Estas pesquisas foram desenvolvidas junto com a Universidade Federal do Rio De Janeiro – UFRJ, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – UFU, Faculdade de Medicina de Marília – FAMEMA e Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG.

  • Pesquisa experimental com medicamentos homeopáticos


    Pesquisa realizada pela professora Dra. Haydée Maria Moreira apresentada no Congresso Regional de Homeopatia (São Paulo – 2011).

  • Biofiels as emerging discipline


    Biofield physiology is proposed as an overarching descriptor for the electromagnetic, biophotonic, and other types of spatially-distributed fields that living systems generate and respond to as integral aspects of cellular, tissue, and whole organism self-regulation and organization. Medical physiology, cell biology, and biophysics provide the framework within which evidence for biofields, their proposed receptors, and functions is presented. As such, biofields can be viewed as affecting physiological regulatory systems in a manner that complements the more familiar molecularbased mechanisms. Examples of clinically relevant biofields are the electrical and magnetic fields generated by arrays of heart cells and neurons that are detected, respectively, as electrocardiograms (ECGs) or magnetocardiograms (MCGs) and electroencephalograms (EEGs) or magnetoencephalograms (MEGs). At a basic physiology level, electromagnetic activity of neural assemblies appears to modulate neuronal synchronization and circadian rhythmicity. Numerous nonneural electrical fields have been detected and analyzed, including those arising from patterns of resting membrane potentials that guide development and regeneration, and from slowly-varying transepithelial direct current fields that initiate cellular responses to tissue damage. Another biofield phenomenon is the coherent, ultraweak photon emissions (UPE), detected from cell cultures and from the body surface. A physiological role for biophotons is consistent with observations that fluctuations in UPE correlate with cerebral blood flow, cerebral energy metabolism, and EEG activity. Biofield receptors are reviewed in 3 categories: molecular- level receptors, charge flux sites, and endogenously generated electric or electromagnetic fields. In summary, sufficient evidence has accrued to consider biofield physiology as a viable scientific discipline. Directions for future research are proposed

  • Biofield – Research Roundtable Discussion


    This discussion will be among the participants of a symposium on clinical and basic science research on the biofield, held as part of the International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health in Portland, Oregon in May 2012. The 7 of us are conventional biomedical researchers in physiology, clinical psychology, cell biology, biophysics, and neurobiology, who through various paths have expanded our research interests to include performing preclinical studies, clinical trials, and systematic reviews of biofield therapies, as well as basic research and reviews on what we call biofield physiology.

    We infer that such healing can occur since living systems coexist within and co-contribute to a biofield,3,4 which we define in terms of electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields as well as subtle energies (energies that appear to exist but have not yet been measured). I’d like to ask Jim to provide us with a brief overview of how the concept of the biofield has evolved.

  • An overview of Biofield devices


    Advances in biophysics, biology, functional genomics, neuroscience, psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, and other fields suggest the existence of a subtle system of “biofield” interactions that organize biological processes from the subatomic, atomic, molecular, cellular, and organismic to the interpersonal and cosmic levels. Biofield interactions may bring about regulation of biochemical, cellular, and neurological processes through means related to electromagnetism, quantum fields, and perhaps other means of modulating biological activity and information flow. The biofield paradigm, in contrast to a reductionist, chemistry-centered viewpoint, emphasizes the informational content of biological processes; biofield interactions are thought to operate in part via low-energy or “subtle” processes such as weak, nonthermal electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or processes potentially related to consciousness and nonlocality. Biofield interactions may also operate through or be reflected in more well-understood informational processes found in electroencephalographic (EEG) and electrocardiographic (ECG) data. Recent advances have led to the development of a wide variety of therapeutic and diagnostic biofield devices, defined as physical instruments best understood from the viewpoint of a biofield paradigm. Here, we provide a broad overview of biofield devices, with emphasis on those devices for which solid, peer-reviewed evidence exists. A subset of these devices, such as those based upon EEG- and ECG-based heart rate variability, function via mechanisms that are well understood and are widely employed in clinical settings. Other device modalities, such a gas discharge visualization and biophoton emission, ppear to operate through incompletely understood mechanisms and have unclear clinical significance. Device modes of operation include EMF-light, EMF-heat, EMF-nonthermal, electrical current, vibration and sound, physical and mechanical, intentionality and nonlocality, gas and plasma, and other (mode of operation not well-understood). Methodological issues in device development and interfaces for future interdisciplinary research are discussed. Devices play prominent cultural and scientific roles in our society, and it is likely that device technologies will be one of the most influential access points for the furthering of biofield research and the dissemination of biofield concepts. This developing field of study presents new areas of research that have many important implications for both basic science and clinical medicine.

  • Controle de pulgões em couve-manteiga com BioFAO


    Com o propósito de buscar alternativas para a produção de hortaliças sem agrotóxicos, este trabalho testou a eficácia do BioFAO (fatores de auto-organização do biocampo) no controle de pulgões em couve-manteiga.
    Além desta, mais seis pesquisas foram publicadas no livro: BioFAO na Agricultura: recuperação da defesa natural das plantas, são elas:

    Controle de pulgões em couve-manteiga com BioFAO / Crescimento e estado nutricional de mudas de couve-manteiga infestadas com pulgões e submetidas à ação do BioFAO / BioFAO no controle de pragas fitófagas do cafeeiro / BioFAO no controle de pulgões da couve-manteiga: patogenesia explícita / Entomofauna e respostas morfofisiológicas da couve-manteiga tratada com inseticida convencional, óleo de Nim e com BioFAO / BioFAO em cultivo aberto do pimentão / BioFAO no funcionamento e metabolismo de hortaliças sob cultivo orgânico em assentamento rural.

    Marli A. Ranal
    Míria de Amorim

  • Acompanhamento de pacientes com intoxicação crônica por agrotóxicos e solventes com as ultradiluições homeopáticas na metodologia BioFAO no período 2006- 2017


    Acompanhamento ambulatorial dos pacientes intoxicados crônicos por solventes e agrotóxicos que se mantiveram aderidos ao tratamento por livre demanda de 2006 a 2017

    Míria de Amorim
    heloisa Pacheco-ferreira

  • Acompanhamento de pacientes com intoxicação crônica por agrotóxicos e solventes com as ultradiluições homeopáticas na metodologia BioFAO por 18 meses


    Acompanhamento de pacientes com intoxicação crônica por agrotóxicos e solventes com as ultradiluições homeopáticas na metodologia BioFAO, no período de 18 meses, no ambulatório do HUCFF – Acompanhamento do tratamento utilizando ultradiluições homeopáticas na metodologia BioFAO, aplicado no período de 18 meses no Ambulatório do HUCFF/UFRJ em pacientes com intoxicação crônica por agrotóxicos e solventes

    Míria de Amorim

    heloisa Pacheco-ferreira


  • Complementary Medicine with High Dilutions Strengthen Conventional Therapies and Health – Silvio Leite Monteiro da Silva



    Breeders that have any concern to conventional therapies with sheeps and goats may be interested in complementary medicine with high dilutions. There are plenty of advantages in favor of adding these tools options to the animals care. Connections with breeders, animals, veterinarians and consumers trends are considered. The chapter discusses the context related to the opportunities the current state of art of high dilution medicines offers and the challenges that are faced by the mainstream current worldwide solutions. Six therapeutic styles are identified as useful for these small ruminants. Some of them need specialized professional support and some do not because they are already ready for acquisition and use. References of how work evolves in systems and how to find them are provided. The findings clearly state that the introduction of complementary high diluted medicines offers advantages to the current demands.

    Published: December 20th 2017

  • A sobrevida de camundongos com tumor ascítico de Ehrlich tratados com ultradiluições BioFAO


    Este trabalho demonstra a possibilidade do uso da Metodologia BioFAO no tratamento de câncer.

    Citação do trabalho
    MOREIRA, H. M.; AMORIM, M.; MARUYAMA, C. G.; TRINCA, R. M.; TORRES, C.S.; ORNELLAS, R.; SANTOS, C.; ALVES JUNIOR, M.; GUIGUER, E. L.; LIRA, B. Survival of mice with erhlich ascitic tumour treated with ultra-dilutions. Eur. J. Cancer, Oxford, v.47, p.S100, Sept. 2011. Supplement 1. ISSN 1359-6349

  • Experimentação básica de reversão de quadros de intoxicação por agrotóxico organofosforado e solventes utilizando a metodologia BioFAO


    Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que o medicamento interferiu nas alterações induzidas pelos praguicidas no organismo dos animais.
